This shit is DOPE! Where did you score this?

Alright. Sometimes there are things that are more pressing than music. Well, no not really at all. However, it is important that we do dive into the completely fucked up abyss of the human potential here. So be it…
Right now as we speak there could be some kid in the middle of America engaging in the use of a brand new drug. This isn’t just any “new” drug. This is a drug that is literally the cheapest, supposedly one of the most intense, and easily accessible high. It’s called “Jenkem”.
Basically, children in Nigeria started this a while ago and white trash in the middle of America somehow, miraculously caught onto it. God knows how any of these hicks found out what they were doing in the next town over let alone Nigeria It involves shitting/pissing/both into a jar of your choice. Then, the next step is letting that excrement that came straight from your rectum (or god forbid somebody else’s) to ferment over a specified time. I guess the longer you let it sit, the “better” the Jenkem gets. Then you proceed to take that jar, open it, and inhale all of the gas that is released. I know, I know… We all thought that derro guy that your ex introduced to you a few years ago was bad enough for huffing spray paint (whilst tagging up a retirement home), amyl or whatever can of aerosol he could get is clammy hands on, but this….holy fuck! Huffing shit?!?! Don’t believe me? Check out this news report on the matter... Apparently the kids call it “butt hash” Watch out for this term mom and dad, its how you know your kids are getting their rocks off on the shit (literally)…
So there you have it. Even fox news says its true! Well, that really isn’t saying a lot at all is it? However, apparently there are memos circulating the police offices of America letting the pigs know how to snuff this shit out. Surely, it really shouldn’t be that hard right? I guess it gives a whole new meaning to “doing shit” with your friends. Anybody down to try it? Jenkem party this Friday!!! - Ian
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