Ground Components Return

So if you felt like there was something missing in your life these last couple of years, we understand why... Ground Components have been off the scene, but don’t worry, they are back! Having already played a few shows since there reincarnation, tonight it was the East Brunswick Clubs turn to experience their wrath.
The night started with Shaman Son, blasting out what could be classified in many different scenes they made a tone of noise. Although they would have been better suited to a Butterfly Fly Effect or Cog support, it did not stop them having a lot of fun and generating a lot of similes. The highlight of their show was definitely the lead guitarist, playing epic solo after epic solo he played well beyond his youthful looks and was a stand out. Shaman Son was not bad but apart from the lead guitarist, they failed to show anything that will separate them from the masses of other band that are producing a similar sound at the moment.
Next up... My personal new favourite new band, Harpoons played a short but impressive set. Sounding similar to Melbourne darlings Little Red and Alabama heavy weights Dr. Dog and clearly influenced by indie Americana, Harpoons showed a maturity beyond their years. Lead chick Bec, couldn’t be taller than 5”0 but she certainly knows how to stand above the crowd with her amazing vocals, and lead guitarist and vocalist Jack is a classic rock star in the making. They look like they were having a tone of fun up there and can only grow with shows like this under their belt.
Finally it was time to see the boys that have been in a cave for the past few years. Walking out to a packed house the first thing noticeable was front man Joe McGuigan, lack of mongrel dog long hair, sporting a skinner and tracks he looked fit and ready to give the crowd what they wanted. Opening with On your living room floor it certainly got the crowd eager for the rest of the set which consisted of a lot of new stuff, which sounds great, the talk/rap singing and trade mark, expedition that are Joe’s lyrics are still there and the 7 piece band seemed tight and were having a great time. Illegal Colombian immigrant bongo drummer and occasional ref-whistle blower, was a highlight hitting the bongos hard and fast which provided a nice texture to the bands rocking sound. Getting trough enough songs to satisfy the crowd they then attempted the worst encore I have ever experienced, leaving broken legged guitarist on the stage and literally walking off stage to be just out of sight, then turning around straight away to come back on, it left the crowd no time to distinguish the cheering for the performance and the re-appearance.
Finishing the night with classics An eye for a Brow, a Tooth for a Pick and Our Sunshine it was a fitting end to what was a good night of exciting music. It’s great to Groundies back and in fine form with a bunch of new songs which we will hopefully hear on a release in the not too distant future.
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