Frying in the Heat

Okay okay okay I know you've already heard the new Kasabian song 8800 times... Get off my case. It's not that song I'm talking about.. So swallow those harsh write-offs until you've finished reading... I'm posting about another track off the new 'West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum' disc from the boys; 'Vlad The Impaler'. Ditching the obvious Doors influences from 'Fire', Vlad is heavier, more distorted but just as epic. One slight downside is the hideous chorus comprising of the lyrics "Get Loose, Get Loose". Not a fan. But to make up for it, the guys have gone and shot a killer 'Death Proof' inspired film clip, staring Noel Feilding as the infamous Vlad, killing bitches left, right and center.
Forward this message on to 28 of your friends or Vlad will appear above your bed at 11:11pm and harpoon you slowly. JB
Kasabian - Vlad the Impaler from Kasabian on Vimeo.
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